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I loved my smile until an illness and medications started to create problems. I had a childhood dentist but was too embarrassed to go back so visited several others. I couldn't take the thought of giving up all my teeth and as I put it off, I had partial teeth falling out, gums growing over the remaining teeth, pain a huge issue and my diet went to soft foods. My husband had dentures and in losing a tooth, we looked for a denturist. We found one, his experience was excellent, and he came home with positive feedback. I made an appointment, went in for a consultation, the next step was to have a dentist pull all my teeth. They recommended Dr. Heemeyer so I reluctantly made an appointment, not really planning to keep it. I did and now have full dentures, and the reason is the care, comfort & compassion from Dr. & staff. His bid more than fair, he was gentle, no pain, his staff helped keep things light & fun, best 2 dental appointment ever & I had all my teeth pulled-100% SMILE:)
We have had an amazing experience with Dr. Heemeyer. My wife had a zirconium crown made for one of her back teeth. Fit perfect with no adjustments since she got it. She loves it! I had some existing fillings redone in composite material. Now you cant even tell the fillings are there! I also had some cavities that where filled. Great experience!! Thank you.
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